Hello… its been a while.
Well what a journey it’s been these last few months! 2020 looked to be getting off to a great start, a new year, new focus, new plans and new energy. A year with even numbers in it (2020) always feels like its going to be positive doesn’t it! Well what a shock to the system it was, when we suddenly had the rug pulled out from under us in March.
The big C-19 (an uneven number see, we don’t like this one as much) put a lot of our plans and goals on hold this year. We’ve had to cancel and postpone special events, we’ve been unable to see our loved ones as we would normally. And life as we knew it, had to stop for a while.
But out of the rain, comes shine. We’ve been able to reconnect with ourselves, refresh and reset. Its forced us to stop, look at what is happening around us and really start to value the gift of being present. Of course there have been very difficult and trying times, we’ve all had to make some difficult decisions and sacrifices. But I feel like its really shown us the meaning of true human spirit - how we can all pull together and really be here when we need to be.
Personally, I’ve not been able to work for nearly 4 months now. It was a welcome break if I’m honest, a chance to reflect on what I want to do and who I want to be going forward. I felt like I’d become stuck in a bit of a rut with my time schedule, balancing work and life when you’re self-employed can become very off kilter very quickly, and all my head space was taken up with worrying about something, anything that I could think of.
And so I get to the point : ) At present, the beauty industry is still closed. We’re still waiting for the go-ahead on when we are able to open officially. Once this has been okayed, there will be a short time of catch up with all of my lovely clients. I’ve missed doing your treatments, seeing your faces regularly and chatting about life and love.
But going forward, I will be making some changes to the business. Taking some areas out, and adding some areas in. It’s going to take time and patience, but I know by the end of it, both me and you (hopefully) will be happy with the results!
Lauren Coombes Makeup will be getting a bit of a re-vamp, a re-brand and a renewed energy and style. One of the main changes will be starting up this blog again, taking you through the changes and getting your feedback.
I’ve always found change very hard to adapt too, I find it quite a challenge. But this time out has made me realise that sometimes change is for the good, so here’s to CHANGE! Lets welcome in the newness and I hope you can all enjoy the journey with me.